An ad supported text message app.
SimplyCalled. THE APP for Home Services Providers
SimplyCalled is an app, available in the Android App Store. It is a communications hub and scheduling app for the busy home-services professional (e.g. Plumbers, lawn care, etc).
It answers missed calls, lets you review customer info, call history and notes during a call and lets you jot down call results. It’s most unique feature is ‘SimplyCalled Messages’, these are text messages sent either automatically on missed calls or manually. The text message has a link to a ‘please let me know how I can help’ web page that the customer uses to interact with the home service provider. That link also servers as mini website for the provider. The app also lets you schedule and it serves as a full on caller ID app.
This is a link to a page that a caller would see when they clicked on their text message to let the home services provider know what they wanted. (this page also has a SimplyCall upsell)
The app is available now. This is a pointer to the Google Play Store page.
See and touch your gold (virtually)
If you bought a ring-tone or ring-back tone on a Verizon flip-phone you used my app. I owned from start to finish. It was the most downloaded app in the world for a number of years.
I founded SimplyCalled, assembled investors, sales people and designers. SimplyCalled went through the Boomtown Accelerator in Bolder Co with them investing $20K in the company. I was the sole developer on everything at SimplyCalled.
The SimplyCalled App was an outgrowth of the original SimplyCalled for Customer Support. The original SimplyCalled could deliver pop-up messages via a SDK added to a company’s existing app. If the app wasn’t on a caller’s phone, or the company didn’t install the SDK, it fell back to sending the same payload to the caller via SMS. The SimplyCalled in the App Store uses the base SimplyCalled technology in just this SMS mode.
I interviewed various home services professionals to come up with the feature set. I then worked with a talented designer for the UI/UX. I implemented that and published to the store.
The app has over 1K downloads. I maintain it, but to be honest, there is no revenue. It currently has a 4.6 rating in the store
The back-end is on an AWS server running Ubuntu. The code is PHP for the API and CakePHP for the web responses. It uses MySQL throughout. It interfaces to Twilio to send messages and for callerID. The front end is in Android/Java.
Because the app is triggered by call events when it isn’t running, it is only available on Android as iOS does not support call events to non-running apps